I have just returned from my friend Karla Nathan's Birdsong event!
How can one put in to words the amazing beauty of being within an art studio beyond description? And on top of that, being in the presence of one of this world's most talented artist's ever??
That would be my friend, Karla Nathan...
I found myself feeling more inspired within this place than I have ever felt in my years of being a creative artist/ spirit....
I wonder if Karla really realizes her impact on the artists who gather at her event.... we all leave with the inspiration to follow your dreams, and follow your art..where ever it may lead you...
And we have you to thank sweet Karla..
I shall be a Birdsong QUEEN FOREVER!
A cozy little seat in the art studio...
Beauty is stacked to the ceiling!!!!
Everywhere a bird shall greet you!!
I found myself LOST in every single place of Karla's studio...
BEAUTY Surrounds...
I can't wait to return!!!! Thank you Karla for a weekend beyond words..