Happy New Year to all!! I just had to share a little peek at one of my recent photo sessions... I was asked a week or so ago how long I have been a photographer and it took my breath away to admit it....22 YEARS! WOW.. where on earth does the time go? I have photographed babies that are now off to college, families that now have grandchildren, kindergarten children who are becoming engaged, on and on. (but remember, I am not getting any older! :)
Not so many years ago, I was photographing with a 35 mm camera and true film and thought I would NEVER go digital. I still do feel that true film will always have my heart... but times change, and eventually, I gave in to the new age.
Back then, there was no view window to look and see what you captured. It was the REAL DEAL of understanding lighting, F Stops and shutter speeds and having to wait until the film was developed to find that magical shot. No photo shop and editing images to make everything disappear! I am grateful for my photography career and that I will always keep the "old fashioned" true rules of the trade in my work.
Meet Precious Paula Ann... a pre-Christmas gift born on her mommy's birthday. I was in awe because this sweet baby slept and slept and let me pose her in every way I wished. No photoshop magic here...she really was on the present and on the chair and was truly a little angel who allowed me to bring my visions to life!
A New Year, A New Life...isn't it the greatest gift of all?