I have decided next time I will bring my pro camera and shoot everything..these are all photos from my I phone, but I think they still capture the beautiful bliss......
Her studio is so beautiful, it is as though I would love to go one day and do nothing else but just gaze at the splendor of art creations!
In fact, during our classes if I took a quick break to get a drink or a treat, I would find myself gazing into a cabinet or upon a bowl of millinery and would stop myself and realize I needed to get back to work!
After a day of wonderful antique shopping in Kansas City, Angie opened her store for us to come shop and do a project and enjoy wine and appetizers. All of this on HER birthday! I loved this sweet store and came home with some wonderful treasures....
We had so much fun creating all of the projects...
I adored having some time with Lori and Andrea! We shared so many laughs, I still smile thinking about it!
Karla taught us to make these precious fairies. This is mine... It was so much fun watching a pipe cleaner stick figure transform to a sweet little fairy person!
And Randy's???? Oh my goodness!! I called it his "selfie elfie" It was so whimsical and so..... HIM!!!!
And speaking of Randy, we were pretty good at creating our projects, but we were best at chilling the wine...(and drinking it!!) :):):)
One night we made dinner in Karla's wonderful Kitchen. I threw together a squash casserole and Randy roasted up yummy potatoes!
A new family member joined the Nathan family too...
Meet Terrance!
I adore our mobiles we created. This was the very start of them and I brought mine home to put some fun finishing touches on it.
I think the most special day was the day of the fairy tea for Grandma Joan. The girls were so excited about it and Karla served the most special brunch....
Even the butter dish and plates were Birdsong themed!
One of the highlights of all of Kara's meals was her homemade bread! SO WONDERFUL!! I came home with a loaf and enjoyed it for 3 days for Breakfast lunch and dinner....
It is times like these that make me ever so grateful for artistic events and friends like Karla.
Living a beautiful life to the fullest is really what this is all about.
Until next year, Birdsong lives in my heart everyday....xoxoxo